Free: The Brig – High Noon (Tinkturox Remix)

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Nach einer Kreativpause ist Tinkturox nun auch produktionstechnisch wieder zurück. Seine Einsendung für die Remix Competition von Firepower Records gibts auf Soundcloud zum kostenlosen download. Good Work! So macht man aus einem EDM-Tune, Drum and Bass. 


„Back to business after over 4 years now. More will definitely come – stay tuned!

I made this track several months ago for the Firepower Records Remix Competition. I obviously didn’t won, but that was never my intention while smashing it into its pieces. It’s my first remix I’ve ever done so far and I learned so crazy stuff while doing this.

It was really fun creating this little stinker and playing this in several clubs. Even others played my remix several times at other locations and I’m so thankful for this! So: A HUUUUUUUGE thank you to everyone who is supporting, hearing, playing or doing what ever with this shitty piece of music!!!

Download it and have fun =)“

